Interview with Steve Murphy – 2

Steve Murphy
author of "Heaven’s Most Wanted Novel Series - THE PROPHET"

Michael Carter
Steve Murphy, author of "Heaven’s Most Wanted Novel Series - THE PROPHET"
Steve Murphy's Website
Steve Murphy's Website
Steve Murphy's Website
Steve Murphy's Website
Steve Murphy's Website
Steve is an acclaimed and Award-winning Network TV Producer and Writer, Documentary Film Producer, who has produced and written, and hosted, over 787 Network TV Specials, and created the longest running, Award-Winning, successful ‘Justice in America’ Network TV Series, all based on real life David v Goliath legal stories, which have been broadcast nationwide for over 17 Seasons.
The “JUSTICE IN AMERICA” Network TV Series uncover the real drama in people stories, and cover the issues that promote justice and fairness for injured persons, safeguards victims’ rights, and the opportunity to help guide the hands of justice – Especially when people’s lives have been destroyed, families ruined, dreams lost, or widespread societal change and reform are needed. Through our TV Shows we tell the stories of unimaginable pain, suffering, and great wrongs, but also of courage and faith and the dauntlessness of the human spirit, and how indomitable the human spirit can be. They are truly personal crusades and telling journeys of what it means to seek justice in an American Courtroom.
Steve is also a Bestselling Novelist who has written 32 novels in 7 separate series:
Among them are: “The Johnnie Walker Series”; “Karma Justice”; “Heaven’s Most Wanted”; “The Tommy Schmid” Series
Steve is not your typical writer. He might be your most atypical writer right up there with Hemmingway and Louis L’Amour, because like them, he struck out on high adventure, at the early age of 17, traveling throughout South America to Mexico City, Panama, Bogota, Columbia, to Peru, across the Andes to Cusco, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Copacabana, to La Paz, Bolivia and to Santiago, Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Brasilia, Sao Paulo, and then he enlisted in the US Army, volunteered for the Infantry, and for Vietnam, where he served with the 1st Infantry Division, and as a MAT, Mobile Advisory Team Advisor.
After discharge from combat duty with the 1st Infantry Division in the U.S. Army in Vietnam, Steve spent the next five years working covertly as a “Civilian contractor” to the CIA’s Phoenix Program’s Counterinsurgency and Counter-terrorism project, and coordinated the largest Black-Market Operation ever sanctioned by the Company.
That experience led him to write a fictionalized account in his bestselling book, “American Gangster – Beaucoup Dinky Dau”, which draws on the experiences and accounts of those men, led by a former SSG/MAT Team Advisor, John D. Walker, known in Saigon as Johnnie Walker or the “The Fixer”, and those who directed the covert operations from the senior corridors of Washington DC and the CIA.
Steve gained highly unusual access to the records and the individuals who ran this top secret covert organization, “Operation Beaucoup Dinky Dau”, which supplied the U.S.-led indigenous teams (Montagnards, Chinese Nungs, and Meo tribesmen) fighting the North Vietnamese Army.)
“The Operation” directed flights of the CIA’s Air America program that flew civilians, diplomats, spies, refugees, commandos, sabotage teams, doctors, war casualties, DEA officers, and visiting VIPs. They coordinated many of the “Food Drops” (known as “Rice Drops”) and the “Hard Drops” (Ammo and weapons drops) to the Meo and Hmong tribesmen fighting against Communist Pathet Lao, as well as to the Phoenix Program’s operations to destroy the infrastructure, and the political organization of the Viet Cong and the NVA. They also directed the airlift of a humanitarian mission to build US hospitals and provide development aid of $450 million to prop up as a façade to covert operations.
Steve is also the producer and Co-host of the award-winning, nationally syndicated APM radio show, ‘The LawBusiness Insider’
In 2021, Televangelism is still thriving in America, and God is ANGRY.
It says in the bible, in Isaiah 45;5 ‘I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me,’ and again multiple other citations; Exodus 20:3, ‘ You shall have no other gods before me’; Matthew 24:24, ‘For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect,; and in my Ten Commandments, ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me,’ and You shall have no other gods before me.’
It’s pretty straight forward, he explains to Bob Jones and Mai Ly. So, what don’t people understand about this? So, if the Bible is the most widely read book in the world, why then aren’t people understanding the simple guidelines I wrote in the 10 Commandments?”
“Well Mai Ly,” says, “You did give mankind ‘Free Will’, and they are free to either live a blessed life, or a wretched one.”
“Unfortunately, Mai Ly, you are absolutely right. That’s another reason why we created your dad’s new ‘Heaven’s Most Wanted’ TV show to educate people so they start following the principles of the Bible and stop misinterpreting it or ignoring it or misusing the Bible in this new crazy so-called “Prosperity gospel’, so those Holy Roller Charlatans can line their own pockets.
In this third novel, Bob Jones, and ‘Heaven’s Most Wanted’ expose the biggest charlatans in the Prosperity Gospel con game, and what they expose, make the Seven Deadly Sins seems like child play compared to their criminal enterprises, masquerading under the guise of the 1st Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.