Interview with Jeff Meshel

Jeff Meshel Trust Is a Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me

Jeff Meshel

author of "Trust Is a Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me"
Michael Carter

Michael Carter


Jeff Meshel, author of "Trust Is a Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me"

Jeff Meshel's Website

Jeff Meshel's Website

Jeffrey Meshel has owned and run numerous business ventures, including three real estate companies that are each over 35 years old. He is also a business book author who has been featured on The Today Show.

He is co-founder / managing partner of Candor Capital Partners. He is also is a partner with, and co-founder of, LUX Miami.

Candor Capital is a real estate acquisition platform that also originates short-term bridge loans secured against commercial/residential properties. Its current portfolio consists of commercial properties rented by medical companies, industrial properties and residential multifamily.

LUX Miami is a high -end luxury car dealership and rental business based out of Miami, Florida.
Formerly, Meshel was the founder and CEO of Paradigm Capital and Paradigm properties, chairman and founder of DIVORCEFORCE, a web-based community that empowered people affected by divorce.

Meshel served on the Board of Directors of Signature Bank for 15 years. Mr. Meshel is on the board of the CPR Foundation (Community Police Relations). He is also the founder and chairman of the Strategic Forum, a high-level networking organization.

He is the author of One Phone Call Away….Secrets of a Master Networker, The Opportunity Magnet, and Trust Is A Double-Edged Sword…Trust Me.

Meshel splits his time between South Beach and New York City.

The Book: "Trust Is a Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me"

ISBN: 1669810267

Get the book

Jeffrey Meshel (aka Waywill), in his fascinating and sobering book, “Trust is a Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me”, explores:

What does trust mean to you? How have you been impacted by relying on trust? Do you consider trust instinctive? Or is it something that must be earned by facts and actions? Is trust a whim or a researched reality? What has occurred when you trusted others? Can we ever—and forever—really trust someone? Does self-interest always take over and destroy the trust that we once considered sacrosanct? The breadth of trust is, in fact, the pillar of all the elements of our lives. We need to be much more aware and accountable to ourselves.

Meshel shares a profusion of sharp insights and examples displaying the double-edged sword of trust, so you get the answers you need for re-establishing trust with yourself, setting boundaries, enhancing your relationships, finding the right job or courageously fulfilling your purpose, instilling values in your children, and making sound decisions.

Michael Carter, Co-Host

Michael Carter's Website