Interview with Harry Nelson (#2)

Harry Nelson
author of "The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating A Nation in Pain"

Steve Murphy
Executive Producer & Host
Harry Nelson, author of "The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating A Nation in Pain"
Harry Nelson's Website
For over two decades, Harry Nelson has been a problem-solver for the healthcare industry, focused on regulatory and reimbursement challenges and strategy. He is the founder and managing partner of Nelson Hardiman, a boutique healthcare law firm. He speaks frequently about the future of U.S. healthcare, and sits on the boards of several healthcare organizations, including the American Addiction Treatment Association. Harry and his wife, Dorit, and their four children live in Los Angeles, California. You can follow Harry’s take on timely healthcare issues on Twitter at @nelsonh.
The Book: "The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating A Nation in Pain"
ISBN: 1946633321
Get the bookHarry Nelson’s latest book delivers monumental predictions that threaten to become promises about the Opioid Crisis in the US, along with a roadmap for strategies for the way out. He shares an essential and fascinating history of how opioid addiction grew roots into our culture and lays out the case for why we cannot afford to continue our current, failing approach to pain management and opioid addiction. He provides a gripping healthcare insider account that includes case studies, research, legal framework, and data that is equally meaningful to patients, doctors, caregivers, and healthcare providers.
Most importantly, Harry’s breakthrough book addresses the deeper reasons beyond just health policy; he explains we are a nation imprisoned by pain and exactly how we can break free. He provides a practical guide for how we can reclaim our rights, our lives, and our health.