Interview with Gerald Posner

Gerald Posner
author of "Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America"

Steve Murphy
Executive Producer & Host
Gerald Posner, author of "Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America"
Gerald Posner's Website
John Martin of ABC News says “Gerald Posner is one of the most resourceful investigators I have encountered in thirty years of journalism.” Garry Wills calls Posner “a superb investigative reporter. “Posner, a former Wall Street lawyer, demolishes myths through a meticulous re-examination of the facts,” reported the Chicago Tribune. “Meticulous research,” Newsday.
Anthony Lewis in The New York Times: “With ‘Killing the Dream, he has written a superb book: a model of investigation, meticulous in its discovery and presentation of evidence, unbiased in its exploration of every claim. And it is a wonderfully readable book, as gripping as a first-class detective story.”
“What we need is a work of painstakingly honest journalism, a la Case Closed, Gerald Posner’s landmark re-examination of the assassination of John F. Kennedy,” concluded Joe Sharkey in The New York Times.
Gene Lyons, in Entertainment Weekly: “As thorough and incisive a job of reporting and critical thinking as you will ever read, Case Closed does more than buttress the much beleaguered Warren Commission’s conclusion ….More than that, Posner’s book is written in a penetrating, lucid style that makes it a joy to read. Even the footnotes, often briskly debunking one or another fanciful or imaginary scenario put forth by the conspiracy theorists, rarely fail to enthrall…Case Closed is a work of genuine patriotism and a monument to the astringent power of reason. ‘A'”
Jeffrey Toobin in the Chicago Tribune: “Unlike many of the 2,000 other books that have been written about the Kennedy assassination, Posner’s Case Closed is a resolutely sane piece of work. More importantly, ‘Case Closed’ is utterly convincing in its thesis, which seems, in light of all that has transpired over the past 30 years, almost revolutionary….I started Case Closed as a skeptic – and slightly put off by the presumptuous title. To my mind historical truth is always a slippery thing. The chances of knowing for sure what happened in any event – much less one as murky as the Kennedy assassination – seem remote. But this fascinating and important book won me over. Case closed, indeed.”
Posner was one of the youngest attorneys (23) ever hired by Cravath, Swaine & Moore. A Political Science major, Posner was a Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of California at Berkeley (1975), where he was also a national debating champion, winner of the Meiklejohn Award. At Hastings Law School (1978), he was an Honors Graduate and served as the Associate Executive Editor for the Law Review. Of Counsel to Posner & Ferrara, the New York law firm he cofounded, he is a member of the NY and DC bars as well as the International Criminal Court.
In the past, he was a regular panelist on HistoryCENTER, the History Channel’s Sunday current events program. He has been a freelance writer for many news magazines, and a regular contributor to NBC, the History Channel, CNN, FOX News, CBS, and MSNBC. In 2009 he was the Chief Investigative Reporter for The Daily Beast. A former member of the National Advisory Board of the National Writers Union, Posner is a member of the Authors Guild, PEN, The Committee to Protect Journalists, and Phi Beta Kappa. He is a regular lecturer about investigative journalism. His wife, author, Trisha Posner, works with him on all his projects.
Award-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author Gerald Posner traces the heroes and villains of the trillion-dollar-a-year pharmaceutical industry and uncovers how those once entrusted with improving life have often betrayed that ideal to corruption and reckless profiteering—with deadly consequences. Pharmaceutical breakthroughs such as antibiotics and vaccines rank among some of the greatest advancements in human history. Yet exorbitant prices for life-saving drugs, safety recalls affecting tens of millions of Americans, and soaring rates of addiction and overdose on prescription opioids have caused many to lose faith in drug companies. Now, Americans are demanding a national reckoning with a monolithic industry. Pharma introduces brilliant scientists, in-corruptible government regulators, and brave whistleblowers facing off against company executives often blinded by greed. A business that profits from treating ills can create far deadlier problems than it cures. Addictive products are part of the industry’s DNA, from the days when corner drugstores sold morphine, heroin, and cocaine, to the past two decades of dangerously overprescribed opioids. Pharma also uncovers the real story of the Sacklers, the family that became one of America’s wealthiest from the success of OxyContin, their blockbuster narcotic painkiller at the center of the opioid crisis. Relying on thousands of pages of government and corporate archives, dozens of hours of interviews with insiders, and previously classified FBI files, Posner exposes the secrets of the Sacklers’ rise to power—revelations that have long been buried under a byzantine web of interlocking companies with ever-changing names and hidden owners. The unexpected twists and turns of the Sackler family saga are told against the startling chronicle of a powerful industry that sits at the intersection of public health and profits. Pharma reveals how and why American drug companies have put earnings ahead of patients.