Interview with Bruce Boise

Bruce Boise Cold Comfort: One man's struggle to stop the illegal marketing of powerful opiod drugs and save lives

Bruce Boise

author of "Cold Comfort: One man's struggle to stop the illegal marketing of powerful opiod drugs and save lives"
Michael Carter

Michael Carter


Bruce Boise, author of "Cold Comfort: One man's struggle to stop the illegal marketing of powerful opiod drugs and save lives"

Bruce Boise's Website

Bruce spent more than twenty-four years in the pharmaceutical industry, as a hospital representative, and then as an area manager in the Great Lakes region. From 2003 to 2017, he worked with the United States Justice Department on two separate False Claims Act cases against Cephalon/Teva, a neuro-biotech company. The first case settled for $425 million USD and was covered in the CBS show Whistleblower, season 2, episode 4 in 2019. Today, Bruce’s advocacy efforts include mentoring other whistleblowers and educating people on the importance of whistleblowing for consumer safety. He’s an Ohio native.

The Book: "Cold Comfort: One man's struggle to stop the illegal marketing of powerful opiod drugs and save lives"

ISBN: 0960101500

Get the book

In the case that marked the beginning of the opioid crisis, a pharmaceutical area manager goes undercover to expose Cephalon’s illegal and unethical marketing practices. Get whistleblower Bruce Boise’s firsthand account of Big Pharma’s scheme to sell drugs off-label at the cost of human life.”Most people who become whistleblowers do so because their personal moral compass demands that they stop the wrongs they see. Indeed, some whistleblowers have no idea that any reward is possible when they first report wrongdoing. They blow the whistle because they must do so to be true to themselves. Bruce Boise is that kind of whistleblower–and more.”

Michael Carter, Co-Host

Michael Carter's Website